I absolutely love baking but don’t get enough opportunity to bake. When I do, I just grab the chance and bake my heart away. My friend Priya, who is also the source of all the South Indian recipes I know, is relocating to India. It’s so hard to bid adieu to a dear friend😒. Priya and I attend a sewing club once every week and have made some amazing friends. We all decided to throw Priya a small farewell party at the sewing club and hence I baked this carrot cake. Carrot cake because Easter is just round the corner…

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Smoothie bowl is my quickest and favourite breakfast option post a crazy workout session. I am too lazy to sit down and relish the lush fruits hence gulping that smoothie glass or bowl makes an amazing breakfast for lazy souls like moi🙈. Generally smoothies are made using frozen fruits. I prefer using fresh fruits as I catch cold quite easily which triggers my sinus issue. If you love and have frozen fruits handy you can simply add them to your smoothie. Another reason why I love smoothie breakfast is because it looks so beautiful and tastes like dessert. I feel…
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I feel completely unmotivated to cook solo meals, hence I tend to skip them. But later end up overeating to compensate on the skipped meal. There are a few recipes which are a keeper, this one being one of them. I generally pick up fresh salmon fillet on my way back home from the gym and stir up this extremely easy and hearty recipe. To whip up this pan seared salmon you only require literally 5 ingredients – salt, olive oil, pepper, pesto of your choice and broccolini. I always have a jar of homemade either cilantro or basil pesto…
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The scorching summers in India makes one crave for refreshing coolers. There are so many energy drinks available in the supermarkets, but nothing beats a jar full of homemade kairicha panha. Karichi panha is a raw mango cooler which tickles ones taste buds leaving one feel refreshed. I simply love panha for it offers sweet, tangy and salty flavors, all three at the same time. My mom always used to welcome me home post work with a glass full of this goodness. I remember gulping it down to help me restore all the lost energy in the harsh sunny Indian…
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I don’t have a sweet tooth, hence I don’t end up making desserts often. I have so many recipes planned in my head and I look forward to an occasion to experiment in my kitchen. Since it was rakshabandhan today, I decided to make coconut barfi. I added edible lavender flowers I picked up from recent visit to South France to give this traditional barfi an unconventional twist. The mélange of coconut and lavender definitely elevated the taste of this barfi.
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I vividly remember our family dinner at restaurants where I always ordered lush green palak paneer with butter roti. I guess I used to have it only because I was a huge fan of Popeye (cartoon character) and wanted to become as strong as him. The child in me still loves palak paneer and I end up making it once every two weeks. I love this recipe for its so easy to make and is packed with so much goodness.